Labyrinth's Weird Site
Labyrinth's Strange Documents
This is an unsorted list of documents, essentially. Right now it's mostly just 13th Age homebrew.
13A is badass and you should play it.
Tabletop RPG Essays and Writings
Reflections, reflecting on ten years of tabletop playing.
13th Age Homebrew
Session Zero, a quick agenda to bring to session zero.
Blue Mage, a full class inspired by the Final Fantasy Tactics flavored Blue Mage.
13th Age with no Full Heal-Ups, a ruleset modification to get rid of the 4-fights-per-day cadence in 13th Age.
13th Age with Deck Initiative, a ruleset modification to use a Dragonbane-style deck initiative system.
Five Clocks, a small, unfinished campaign for 13th Age centered around dispatching some robots.
Beast World Icons, some initial thoughts on porting Beast World content to 13th Age.
Wow this site looks cools
I had some old markdown files laying around I was serving directly with Nginx. I had some interest in Loris Cro's Zine static site generator, so! I fed it my markdown.
All layouts and assets were stolen from the Zine site's layouts and assets. Don't tell anyone.